Hot stamping of high strength steels has been continuously developed in the automotive industry to improve mechanical properties\nand surface quality of stamped components. One of themain challenges faced by researchers and technicians is to improve stamping\ndies lifetime by reducing the wear caused by high pressures and temperatures present during the process. This paper analyzes the\nlaser texturing of hot stamping dies and discusses how different surfaces textures influence the lubrication and wear mechanisms.\nTo this purpose, experimental tests and numerical simulation were carried out to define the die region to be texturized and to\ncharacterize the textured surface topography before and after hot stamping tests with a 3D surface profilometer and scanning\nelectron microscopy. Results showed that laser texturing influences the lubrication at the interface die-hot sheet and improves die\nlifetime. In this work, the best texture presented dimples with the highest diameter, depth, and spacing, with the surface topography\nand dimples morphology practically preserved after the hot stamping tests.